Usually when young children or babies are welcomed into the Church they are baptised, then around school year 3 they make their First Holy Communion and around school year 6 they are Confirmed. This is a gradual initiation into the Church and the children have time to explore and grow in their faith as they get closer towards the celebration of these sacraments.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group is for adults who are preparing to be welcomed into the church. When adults are welcomed into the church it is usually a bit different. Adults will receieve all three of the 'Sacraments of Initiation' at the same celebration, being baptised and confirmed before receiving the Eucharist for the first time. This is often done at the Easter Vigil or on Easter Sunday in 'communion' with the Bishop celebrating these Sacraments at the Cathedral church.
The RCIA group is run to help adults to grow in love of Christ and in understanding of their faith and the Catholic Church before they become full members of the church. We have some committed parishioners in our church who regularly walk alongside the adults in preparation for receiving the Sacraments and are glad to welcome anyone who is interested or knows anyone who is interested in exploring the faith and becoming a Catholic.
Speak to one of our priests who will put you in touch with our wonderful team that leads RCIA to find out further details on how the whole process works.