Reading the Word of God is something Jesus himself would do at the Temple:
'He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him'
Luke 4:16-17
The idea of reading at Mass may (literally) put the fear of God into some people but we need confident and clear readers at every Mass for the First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, and Bidding Prayers/Intercessions.
We currently have a group of people who are on a rota to read every few weeks and would be happy to add some more if you feel you may be able to help. We need readers who are reliable and committed Catholics who come to Mass weekly and are able to speak loudly, clearly and confidently from the Lectern. We regularly have the children from Our Lady's Primary doing the readings so age doesn't really matter but you will also need to be mobile enough to get up and down from the sanctuary to read.
If you are interested in becoming a Reader please make yourself known to one of our priests and, after a small amount of training and practice, you will be added to the next Readers Rota.